Happy Christmas!

As 2016 is nearing its end, it’s time to wrap up and get ready for what adventures lie ahead in 2017! We hope your year has been full of great memories just like ours. The main highlight has been our 5th Anniversary! We celebrated in style – with cake, and of course, Sid – during the course in Ennis. Turns out we even nailed it right down to the exact date!

This year saw ‘Northern Ireland’s Motorcycle Festival’ move into a brand new exhibition complex, just outside of Lisburn. Busier than in previous years we, again, had the privilege of working with our friends and colleagues from the ‘Police Service of Northern Ireland BikeSafe Team’ and ‘Institute of Advanced Motoring’ (don’t you just love the flashing blue lights and bright, shiny reflective decal?!)

Thanks to the ‘Bike Buyers Guide’, we continued with our monthly column, covering all sorts of bike safety aspects, everyday life and even holiday anecdotes

The ‘Bikefest Killarney’ was a roaring success with record attendances! For once people weren’t complaining about the rain but, wait for it….the sun! Ireland showed itself in it’s most glorious side and we were chuffed to be ‘holidaying’ at home. Enquiries for FBoS turned internationally with large numbers of overseas visitors stopping by for a chat.

Principal Insurance’ continues to support our venture, still providing a discount everyone who successfully passed the course. They have also added brand new lanyards, which includes our logo, to the range of goodies for our course participants.

Again, Rodge provided FBoS first aid cover to the annual ‘Ring of Kerry Cycle Race’, in which over 11000 cyclists cover 180kms in support of a large number of local charities.

We expanded our work with various sections of Blood Bikes and Bike Marshals across Ireland as well as many other clubs and individuals. This brings the total to just under 740 people trained in 71 courses over the last five years.

Sadly we again received reports from FBoS members about accidents they attended. Including one who was involved in a crash himself and was told by his consultant later on that he had a 50% fatality risk. However the message in common was, that they were pleased to have the confidence to stop at an accident and had the skills to look after someone injured until the professionals arrive.

So we say Thank You to all of you, who made this safety ‘project’ happen and continue supporting us!

As our motto says ‘B.I.K.E.R.S Training bikers, to save bikers lives’!

With best wishes for a peaceful and safe Christmas and New Year,

Rodge, Nick, Rick and Berni


Posted on

December 24, 2016