Police Service of Northern Ireland Bike Safe Team https://bikesafe.co.uk/northernireland/

The Irish Motorcyclists’ Association www.magireland.org

Advanced Motorists of Northern Ireland http://www.amni.org.uk/

National Ride to Work http://www.ridetowork.eu/

Voluntary Organisations:

Bike Marshals Ireland http://www.bikemarshals.ie/index.html

Unity Support Riders https://www.unitysupportriders.org/

Irish Community Air Ambulance https://communityairambulance.ie/


St. Luke’s Home, Cork (our venue in Cork) http://www.stlukeshome.ie/

Gillian Dunlop Driving School http://www.gdldrivers.ie/

Stephen Mills Mototraining NI http://www.mototrainingni.com/

Majella Forde Training – First Aid https://majellafordetraining.com/

Helite Turtle Motorcycle Air Vest http://www.airvest.co.uk/

Helite UK https://heliteuk.co.uk/

Road Safety Authority Ireland http://www.rsa.ie/

Road Safety GB http://roadsafetygb.org.uk/