Becky, a member of our FBoS-Community, has recently assisted at a road traffic accident. Here is her story:

‘On my way in this morning I witnessed 4 separate accidents, 3 of which were simply people travelling too fast for the conditions. The road from Portumna to Killimor this morning was atrocious and I couldn’t see the road at all. The 4th accident I came across was due to speed as well, but was more severe and I had to stop and assist. The driver could not get out of the car as it was so badly dented and was in shock and complaining of a really sore neck. Thanks to my First Bike on Scene – Emergency Response Skills training I felt confident enough to help and sat in behind her supporting her head and keeping her calm until the emergency services arrived. Thank you for the training, I hoped I would never have to use it but I’m so glad that I was able to this morning. Stay safe everyone.’