As we moved into the new decade, nobody thought it’ll turn out the way it has. Most, including ourselves, had a great start to 2020. Maybe even a little busier than in previous years. A positive, after the recession and long return to some sort of stability.

We had the first six months pretty much scheduled to a tee, with little space to fit in more. We were delighted that courses were in such demand and looked forward to teaching as much as possible. This weekend was not going to be any different.

But somewhere the far side of the world – something was brewing which caused havoc around the world. On Monday last, we thankfully started into Phase 1 of the roadmap to recovery, having been in a countrywide lockdown for almost 2 months, Covid-19 has given us a new sense on how we view and live our lives.

‘None of us like to be told what to do,

None of us like to be out of work or not go on holidays,

None of us like to miss family, miss a high five or hug,

None of us like to not see friends or miss a party,

None of us like to be sick or self-isolating,

None of us like to have a family member pass away alone.’

Yet we all experienced most of this. Our hearts truly go out to the many families who could not help or be with their relatives, particularly sick ones in hospital or as they lost them in the most difficult circumstances.

But we’re in this together and Ireland rose to the occasion, including countless bikers! We suddenly had all this time on our hands – what to do? Can’t go on the long overdue family visits or that trip you’ve been meaning to do for years. And there is only so much fence painting, sorting the shed or cleaning the bike. But as usual, someone’s got an idea, it’s taking shape at home at the kitchen table, a few buddies joining and…before you know it, hundreds are signing up. Combining a love of motorcycles and the need to support the country. And they moved, anything that was needed, and were rewarded with unmeasurable gratitude! What a fabulous community spirit – locally and across all counties.

Thank you! Whether you delivered / collected goods, brought coffee or self-isolated – it doesn’t matter how small or big, that fact is you did it! And we hope that this support for our communities and frontline staff, as well as spending time with family and friends remains at the forefront in years to come. We also hope, that work, school and FBoS will return to some normality whenever it is safe to do so (for up to date information see:

On a more lighter note…and after a number of enquires, we are pleased to report that Sid and Twiggy have been cocooning safely for the last number of weeks. They have now come out of their self-isolation and already enjoyed some of the sunnier weather this week. Sid is keen to point out though, that they have not been further than the assigned 5km radius. Twiggy has kindly offered, that if anyone is in need of an urgent appointment with the hairdressers, they can have hers 😉


Continue to stay safe and well,

Rodge, Nick and Berni